Are the Holidays Stealing Your Energy? – Updated Blog

Posted by: On December 13, 2022 2:18 pm

Lost your sparkle?  Are the holidays making you feel beaten down, stressed out and like climbing the walls all at the same time? If you recognize yourself here, we’ve got news: Christmas is stealing your energy and it needs fixing fast!

Are the holidays stealing your energy

Partied Too Hearty?

It’s easy to run out of energy over the holidays. Two COVID Christmasses mean that this one feels bigger and more meaningful than usual for many people. A longer list of social engagements than would normally be sensible, Christmas parties (remember those?), excited kids everywhere, rich food and maybe a few more beers or glasses of wine than you usually drink. All of this ends up being paid for – in energy!

Socializing, partying and all …

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Running Out of Time for Last Minute Gifts? – Blog Updated for 2022

Posted by: On December 2, 2022 4:26 pm

Ha. For a minute there you glanced at the calendar and thought that there were only a handful of shopping days left until Christmas, right?


Running Out of Time for Last Minute Gifts


Oh wait. What?

Yep, Christmas Day is pretty much upon us and that means if you haven’t finished gift shopping yet, then you probably enjoy living on the edge a little. If you haven’t noticed, the bells are jingling; the lights are twinkling and the window for grabbing those fabulous gifts you still haven’t bought yet is closing fast.

But hey. Just because you waited until the last minute to find the perfect presents for everyone on your list does not mean that the quality of your gift-giving has to suffer.

How? …

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Celebrity Diet Tricks REVEALED

Posted by: On December 1, 2022 2:32 pm

Celebrity Secret Weight Loss Tricks for Super-Fast Results!

How do celebs look so amazing? How come top models can reclaim their catwalk crown two weeks after giving birth? Rumors of brutal workouts and restrictive eating habits are always circling, but no one can live like that all the time.


Celebrity Diet Tricks REVEALED


So, what is it? What’s their secret? Something crazy expensive? Something completely unobtainable and out of reach for the average American? Well guess what? It’s not. The celebrity big secret that keeps A-Listers in shape is not only affordable, but also readily available as well. Many of these celebrities have the money and influence to try any fast fix or super-advanced weight loss solution in the world – but …

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How To Manage Your Holiday Stress

Posted by: On November 29, 2022 2:32 pm

Holiday stress already upon you?

Wondering how you’re going to juggle all those balls, cook all that food and buy all those gifts? Shopped ‘til you dropped? Can’t stand the heat in your own kitchen? Can’t remember the last time you sat down, never mind relaxed?

We’re here for you. Take 5 and read our guide to crushing your Holiday Stress before it crushes YOU.


How To Manage Your Holiday Stress


1. Delegate & Accept Imperfection

Forget about whether someone is going to do things the right way; the way you’d do it, or ever vaguely competently – just hand over whatever jobs or chores you can. No one has ever died from a badly arranged bunch of flowers, or slightly crumpled laundry. …

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Hydrogen Water and Increased Energy

Posted by: On November 25, 2022 5:21 pm

When people talk about the benefits of drinking ionized water, guess which one they mention first? How much energy they have!

There are so many benefits to drinking hydrogen water, but let’s face it – increased energy is the thing that we all can use more of!


Hydrogen Water and Increased Energy


Does Hydrogen Water Give You More Energy?

How Does Hydrogen Water Give You Energy?

Is Hydrogen Water Better Than Energy Drinks?

Where Can I Get Hydrogen Water to Boost My Energy?

Boost Your Energy with Hydrogen Water!

We’ll explain the science behind this further on, but there’s no doubt what a game-changer this is. Whatever your job, lifestyle or commitments, being able to handle them with more energy is a fantastic …

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7 Ways to Take Better Care of Your Hair

Posted by: On November 23, 2022 2:47 pm

Stuck in a haircare rut? Are your usual shampoo and conditioner not delivering the results they used to? We’ve got 7 ways to take better care of your hair that will leave your crowning glory shiny and loved again!


7 Ways to Take Better Care of Your Hair


1. Regular trims are needed to keep your hair looking good. Don’t see it as a luxury, but as part of your self-care that keeps you feeling positive about yourself. It’s not shallow to want to feel pulled-together and look good: it plays an important part in building and protecting good self-esteem.

2. If you need a ton of products to make your hair look the way you want it to, consider whether your cut and length are working …

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A Healthy and Simple Thanksgiving!

Posted by: On November 21, 2022 2:46 pm

Dr. Lori Shemek is back again to share her tips for a healthy and simple Thanksgiving.  Dr. Lori is the best-selling author of books such as The Ketogenic KeyFire Up Your Fat Burn and Beginner’s Guide to Intermittent Fasting.  Dr. Lori is a certified nutritional consultant and weight loss expert who spreads awareness of the negative effects of inflammation.  


Can you eat healthily on Thanksgiving?  Absolutely yes! For most families, Thanksgiving means large family get-togethers accompanied by an enormous number of delicious foods over the course of this holiday. For many of us, Thanksgiving is one of those holidays where we often tend to sweep self-restraint to the side and indulge in all the culinary glory …

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The Hottest 2022 Black Friday Sales!

Posted by: On November 18, 2022 2:18 pm

Sharpen your elbows/credit card, it’s that time of year again!

The Black Friday Sales are when we treat our loved ones to the gifts we think they’ll love most. However, when faced with the wall-to-wall slogans and banners advertising the hottest 2022 Black Friday Sales, it’s hard to see the true bargains for the not-so-hot deals.

That’s why we’ve rounded up a short and snappy list of the HOTTEST 2022 Black Friday Sales, to help you zero your festive shopping list in record time.


The Hottest 2022 Black Friday Sales


The Best of the 2022 Black Friday Sales

It’s 2022, and for a whole bunch of reasons, the sales this year are HOTTER than ever. It’s a frenzy out there. If you want the …

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Is Your Water Eco-Friendly?

Posted by: On November 17, 2022 1:49 pm

You might have the right eco-credentials when it comes to many things, but is your water one of them?


Is Your Water Eco-Friendly


Eco-Friendly Water is a Big Deal

We all need to drink water, every day. It’s one of our constants. That’s why making your water eco-friendly is a really big deal.

So, what’s the best way to drink clean, safe water AND make sure that your water is eco-friendly as well? Let’s look at a few of the eco-factors!


1. Water in Plastic Bottles

This is the big one. In 2022, there really is no excuse for looking the other way when it comes to plastic and this planet. Single-use, disposable bottles are an environmental nightmare, and we all …

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How to Use Whey Protein for Weight Loss

Posted by: On November 11, 2022 1:54 pm

Want to lose weight in a healthful way without really trying? You need whey protein!


How to Use Whey Protein for Weight Loss

Why Whey Protein is Making Waves

Okay, it isn’t quite that simple, but the weight-loss potential of whey protein has been making waves in the health and fitness world for a while now.

If you’re hoping to drop a few pounds, then you need to know why everyone’s racing to find out how to use whey protein for weight loss!

What is Whey Protein?

First, what is whey protein? Basically, it’s a by-product of the cheese-making industry. To make cheese, cow’s milk is heated and split into curds and whey, using enzymes. The whey is then processed again to remove fats, carbohydrates and some, …

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